
Moon Spirit is a sanctuary, a safe space for you to feel seen and heal your soul. Just like the moon, our souls go through phases to remind us of the rhythm of life.

Hello, thank you for being here. My name is Emma Charlotte and I am the founder of Moon Spirit Healing.

 As a child I always had a curious nature- asking every question of the day and burning the lug off my mum! As I grew older, I carried this curiosity in my heart and began to question the reasoning for living and what we, as souls, are here to do. I found myself shifting and changing into different versions of myself, never feeling completely comfortable in who I was.

 It is only now as I journey through my 20s that I realise that life is for truly for living and experiencing. I believe that we are not defined by specific events or emotions throughout our time. I’ve began to slowly open my heart again- seeing myself and my own struggles in those surrounding me and holding space and compassion for this sense of connectedness.

I wanted to open Moon Spirit for people to invest in their own healing journey- to understand that they too can accept, move and hold space for their feelings.

There is no judgement here, all I want is you to show love and kindness to yourself because you do matter.